Saturday, January 4, 2020

Dr Shaw Neuroscientist "Aluminium Tidak Selamat" vs Dr Suhazeli "Aluminium Ada Beratus Beribu Kajian Penambahbaikan??


"BERATUS RIBU kajian penambahbaikan telah dijalankan ke atas penggunaan bahan aluminium ini" - Petikan statement ini diambil daripada buku keluaran Dr Suhazeli Abdullah. Tiada rujukan (reference no) seperti yang dilakukan oleh penulis2 artikel/thesis/buku yang professional.

Berlainan pula apa yang dikatakan oleh Pakar berkaitan Aluminium itu sendiri, Dr Shaw. "Selama 80 tahun keselamatan adjuvan Aluminium (adjuvan vaksin) hanya bersandarkan anggapan bukan bukti saintifik. Contohnya, tiada yg diketahui tentang toksikologi dan farmakokinetik adjuvan Aluminium untuk bayi dan kanak-kanak"

Yang sama kenyataan antara mereka berdua hanyalah "80 tahun".. erk..

Ini adalah antara kenyataan Dr Suhazeli yang tidak benar akan gelatin lembu/babi dalam vaksin. Klik disini.

Dr Shaw (Christopher Ariel Shaw)
- adalah seorang saintis neuro (neuroscientist) Kanada dan Professor Ophthalmology di Universiti Columbia (UBC)
- Dr Shaw pernah menerbitkan 4 buah buku dan beberapa research artikel yang berkaitan dengan  otak (neurology), toksikologi dan juga Aluminium.

Dr Suhazeli Abdullah
Dilahirkan di Kota Bharu Kelantan. Pendidikan awal di sekolah Kebangsaan Perol dan Sultan Ismail College (SIC), Kelantan. Melanjutkan pelajaran di peringkat ijazah perubatan di Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. Kemudian, melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat Sarjana (Master of Medicine) dalam pengkhususan Perubatan Keluarga di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Kini berkhidmat di Klinik Kesihatan Ketengah Jaya Dungun, Terengganu sebagai Pakar Perunding Perubatan Keluarga.
- Research artikel atau thesis tidak dapat ditunjukkan disini kerana tiada didalam carian google.

Ini adalah antara research Dr Shaw mengenai Aluminium;

Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe?


Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science's understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds. In spite of this, the notion that aluminum in vaccines is safe appears to be widely accepted. Experimental research, however, clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences. In our opinion, the possibility that vaccine benefits may have been overrated and the risk of potential adverse effects underestimated, has not been rigorously evaluated in the medical and scientific community. We hope that the present paper will provide a framework for a much needed and long overdue assessment of this highly contentious medical issue.

Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration


Gulf War Syndrome is a multi-system disorder afflicting many veterans of Western armies in the 1990–1991 Gulf War. A number of those afflicted may show neurological deficits including various cognitive dysfunctions and motor neuron disease, the latter expression virtually indistinguishable from classical amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) except for the age of onset. This ALS “cluster” represents the second such ALS cluster described in the literature to date. Possible causes of GWS include several of the adjuvants in the anthrax vaccine and others. The most likely culprit appears to be aluminum hydroxide. In an initial series of experiments, we examined the potential toxicity of aluminum hydroxide in male, outbred CD-1 mice injected subcutaneously in two equivalent-to-human doses. After sacrifice, spinal cord and motor cortex samples were examined by immunohistochemistry. Aluminum-treated mice showed significantly increased apoptosis of motor neurons and increases in reactive astrocytes and microglial proliferation within the spinal cord and cortex. Morin stain detected the presence of aluminum in the cytoplasm of motor neurons with some neurons also testing positive for the presence of hyper-phosphorylated tau protein, a pathological hallmark of various neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia. A second series of experiments was conducted on mice injected with six doses of aluminum hydroxide. Behavioural analyses in these mice revealed significant impairments in a number of motor functions as well as diminished spatial memory capacity. The demonstrated neurotoxicity of aluminum hydroxide and its relative ubiquity as an adjuvant suggest that greater scrutiny by the scientific community is warranted.

Aluminum-Induced Entropy in Biological Systems: Implications for Neurological Disease


Over the last 200 years, mining, smelting, and refining of aluminum (Al) in various forms have increasingly exposed living species to this naturally abundant metal. Because of its prevalence in the earth’s crust, prior to its recent uses it was regarded as inert and therefore harmless. However, Al is invariably toxic to living systems and has no known beneficial role in any biological systems. Humans are increasingly exposed to Al from food, water, medicinals, vaccines, and cosmetics, as well as from industrial occupational exposure. Al disrupts biological self-ordering, energy transduction, and signaling systems, thus increasing biosemiotic entropy. Beginning with the biophysics of water, disruption progresses through the macromolecules that are crucial to living processes (DNAs, RNAs, proteoglycans, and proteins). It injures cells, circuits, and subsystems and can cause catastrophic failures ending in death. Al forms toxic complexes with other elements, such as fluorine, and interacts negatively with mercury, lead, and glyphosate. Al negatively impacts the central nervous system in all species that have been studied, including humans. Because of the global impacts of Al on water dynamics and biosemiotic systems, CNS disorders in humans are sensitive indicators of the Al toxicants to which we are being exposed.

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